Monday, July 28, 2008

NYC Trip

Here is an animation I made from our trip we just did to New York. I used about 350 pictures I took of myself for the project. If you are anything like me, its difficult to look at yourself for too long, so I was happy to finish this thing up. Pick out the sites.

Friday, July 18, 2008

do do dooo, la la laaaaaaaaa

So I guess nobody wants one of these totally sweet, handmade compilations with the even sweeter artwork made from real LP covers. (Actual artwork is not shown, and no it is not the yodeling dude.)OK, guess i will just listen to all 3 myself at the same time which may overload my endorphins to critical mass.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Its time. Over the last year I have posted songs.....POW SMACK....stuff that I am diggin' at the moment, songs that are on heavy rotation in the studio and really hit the spot while working. They are all listed under the "Song of the Moment Archive". The first three people that leave a "give me the jams" comment here, will receive a limited edition your door, anywhere in the world.

STEP 1 : leave "give me the jams" comment here under this post, and sign it clearly (use an assumed name if you want)
STEP 2 : send me an email here**using the same name you used in the comment with your mailing address
STEP 3 : hold your breath and wait with extreme anticipation for your key to eternal sunshine